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Eternal Strength Family


Our founder, Weston Robins, is a Licensed Professional Counselor and a visionary leader in the

realm of Radical Youth Work. Wes has been an advocate both in practice and in academia for a

truly humanistic and person-centered approach since he has been in the field-- serving youth

across levels of care from emergency stabilization to finding their own purpose and spiritual



Wes has spent more than a decade dreaming of a place where youth and clinicians can

experience mutual liberation and come into greater mental freedom together, a center where

the binds of standardized sociological pressures are cut away and every youth’s inner wisdom

can rise up as an undimmable beacon of light and joy.


Wes serves the team at Eternal Strength

with the same value system as he does the families that come to the center, building sacred

space, bolstering each individual’s divine strengths, and creating space for synchronicity and


Eternal Strength, LLC
13784 Highway 9 N
Alpharetta, GA 30004

Phone: 770-744-0133
Fax: +1 470-468-8139

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